lunes, 6 de julio de 2015



Ø  Participa y realiza el trabajo de clase con interés, entusiasmo  y responsabilidad.

Se interesa por incrementar su vocabulario a través de la lectura de diversos artículos de interés nacional e internacional.

Describe  y compara lugares, personas y objetos que hacen parte de su entorno familiar, escolar y social.

     Realiza descripciones de experiencias del pasado y hábitos de interés  en su entorno familiar y social.

     Manifiesta niveles altos de tolerancia ante situaciones  de conflicto dentro y fuera del aula

     Demuestra en su comportamiento valores que evidencian en él un liderazgo positivo.



It might seem crazy what I'm about to say
Sunshine she's here, you can take away
I'm a hot air balloon, I could go to space
With the air, like I don't care baby by the way, here´s why.


Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Here come bad news talking this and that
Yeah, give me all you got, don't hold back
Yeah, well I should probably warn you I'll be just fine
Yeah, no offense to you don't waste your time, here's why


Happy, bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
Love is too happy to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
I said bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
Love is too happy to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
I said


Happy, bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
Love is too happy to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
I said